Why Fertilize you Lawn?



the Benefits of Maintained Turfgrass

A healthy, maintained lawn is more than just pleasing to the eye. A small sized lawn releases enough oxygen to meet the needs of a family of four for 24 hours and absorbs harmful elements such as carbon dioxide and ozone. Also, according to buyers, a properly maintained lawn adds 16% to a home’s value. Lawn Care even has an investment recovery rate of 100-200% compared to a 30-60% rate for a patio or deck. Lawn Care programs containing regularly scheduled fertilizing applications keep your turf healthy, dense and green. Green Lawn Fertilizing provides organic based fertilizer to help your lawn reach its highest potential for both the environment and your investment.

The other issues that we see are over watering and scalping.  If a lawn is watered to much it can cultivate bacteria and cause Cronik Ring Spot, shallow roots, and yellowing.  We recommend watering once every three days, morning or late evening??? We can also check your sprinkler system and make sure its working properly and the times are correctly set.